Looking to get involved? Make sure you become a member of the PMIA so that we can keep in touch about events and volunteer opportunities. You can also reach out to members of the Board at any time to get involved in PMIA activities and committees.


  • Ray Endreny PRESIDENT

  • Eliot Martone VICE PRESIDENT

  • Andrew Beshara TREASURER

  • Jaap Ritzen SECRETARY


  • Mackenzie Dawson MEMBERSHIP CHAIR

  • Lauren Sullivan EVENTS CHAIR

  • Jennifer Meyers MAINTENANCE CHAIR

  • Saavan Gatfield

  • Laura Bedrossian

  • Barbara Nackman


Communications The Communications committee is responsible for keeping members informed of activities and events in the community. In addition to maintaining the Philipse Manor website, the committee also publishes a quarterly newsletter, manages membership mailings, and maintains the Philipse Manor Improvement Association Facebook PageCommittee Chair: Anant Wadhwa.

External Affairs The External Affairs committee ensures that the PMIA is represented at community meetings, Village Board of Trustee meetings, and other business between the manor and outside groups. This committee is particularly focused on being an active presence in all village meetings pertaining to The Edge on Hudson project and the LDC plans for the Eastern Parcel. Committee Chair: Ray Endreny.

Maintenance The Maintenance committee ensures that PMIA property is maintained and cared for. PMIA property includes the West Side Parking Lot and its landscaping, the Manor signs, and the PMIA's waterfront property. Committee Chair: Jaap Ritzen.

Membership The membership committee is responsible for growing and tracking PMIA membership. If you have any questions about joining the PMIA or participating in events, we encourage you to reach out to the Membership committee directly. Committee Chair: Mackenzie Dawson .